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200 Growth Marketing Resources: Your Ultimate Guide

09/24/2023 2:00 PM Par SEO SMO HUB Dans Growth marketing resources

Are you on the hunt for a treasure trove of Growth Marketing Resources? Look no further! We've meticulously curated an extensive list of over 200 resources that cater to every facet of growth marketing, ensuring that your quest for knowledge and insights is not just met but exceeded.

Blogs: Insights Unveiled

1. HubSpot Blog: Your go-to source for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service insights.
2. Neil Patel Blog: A hub for comprehensive digital marketing guidance and expert advice.
3. Content Marketing Institute: Dive deep into the world of content marketing strategies and tactics.
4. Backlinko: Brian Dean shares actionable SEO and growth strategies to boost your online presence.
5. Moz Blog: Discover the latest in SEO, link building, and content optimization for effective growth.
6. Kissmetrics Blog: Delve into analytics, marketing research, and more to fuel your growth endeavors.

And the list goes on...

Name Links Tags
Demand Curve https://www.demandcurve.com/blog Growth Marketing
Grow With Ward https://growwithward.com/growth-hacking-blog/ Growth Marketing
Growth Hackers https://blog.growthhackers.com/ Growth Marketing
Growth Rocks https://growthrocks.com/blog/ Growth Marketing
RevGenius https://www.revgenius.com/category/marketing/ Growth Marketing
Tuff Growth https://tuffgrowth.com/blog/ Growth Marketing
UpGrowth https://www.upgrowth.in/blog/ Growth Marketing
Backlinko https://backlinko.com/blog SEO
Ahrefs https://ahrefs.com/blog/ SEO
Moz https://moz.com/blog SEO
SEMRush https://www.semrush.com/blog/ SEO
Search Engine Journal https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ SEO
Yoast https://yoast.com/seo-blog/ SEO
Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/ Social Media
Social Media Examiner https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/ Social Media
Buffer Blog https://buffer.com/resources Social Media
Sprout Social Insights https://sproutsocial.com/insights Social Media
Hootsuite Blog https://blog.hootsuite.com/ Social Media
CoSchedule Blog https://coschedule.com/blog/ Social Media
Agorapulse Blog https://www.agorapulse.com/blog/ Social Media
Later Blog https://later.com/blog/ Social Media
Hubspot https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing Marketing
Neil Patel Blog https://neilpatel.com/blog/ Digital Marketing
ConversionXL (CXL) https://cxl.com/blog/ CRO
Crazy Egg Blog https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/ CRO
Optimizely Blog https://www.optimizely.com/blog/ CRO
VWO Blog (Visual Website Optimizer) https://vwo.com/blog/ CRO
Conversion Sciences Blog https://conversionsciences.com/conversion-optimization-blog/ CRO
Conversion Rate Experts https://conversion-rate-experts.com/blog/ CRO
Convertflow Blog https://www.convertflow.com/blog CRO
Unbounce Blog https://unbounce.com/blog/ Landing Page
Instapage Blog https://instapage.com/blog Landing Page
Leadpages Blog https://www.leadpages.com/blog Landing Page
DemandGen Blog https://www.demandgen.com/blog/ Demand Generation
Drift Blog https://www.drift.com/blog/ Demand Generation
Hotjar https://www.hotjar.com/blog/ UX
Nielsen Norman Group https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ UX
UX Design Institute https://www.uxdesigninstitute.com/blog/ UX
Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/category/ux/ UX
UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/ UX
UX Booth http://www.uxbooth.com/ UX
Webflow https://webflow.com/blog Website
Elementor https://elementor.com/blog/ WordPress
Very Good Copy https://www.verygoodcopy.com/ Copywriting
Copyblogger https://www.copyblogger.com/ Copywriting
Copyhackers https://copyhackers.com/ Copywriting
Woodpecker https://woodpecker.co/blog/ Cold Email
Reply https://reply.io/blog/ Cold Email
GMass https://www.gmass.co/blog/ Cold Email
Mailshake https://mailshake.com/blog/ Cold Email
Quickmail https://quickmail.io/blog Cold Email
Lemlist https://www.lemlist.com/blog Cold Email
Userguiding Blog https://userguiding.com/blog/ Product & Growth

Books: The Foundations of Growth

1. Hooked by Nir Eyal: Learn the psychology behind creating habit-forming products.
2. Contagious by Jonah Berger: Uncover the secrets of viral marketing and consumer behavior.
3. Traction by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares: Discover actionable channels to gain traction for your startup.
4. Influence by Robert B. Cialdini: Understand the principles that drive influence and persuasion.
5. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk: Master the art of storytelling and marketing in the social media age.

An entire library of wisdom awaits you...

Name Links Tags
Hacking growth by Sean Ellis https://www.amazon.in/Hacking-Growth-Morgan-Brown/dp/0753545373/ref=pd_lpo_3 Growth Hacking
Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth https://www.amazon.in/Traction-Startup-Achieve-Explosive-Customer/dp/0241242533 Customer Growth
Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret https://www.amazon.in/Growth-Hacking-Silicon-Valleys-Secret/dp/1619616009 Growth Hacking
Contagious: Why Things Catch On https://www.amazon.in/Contagious-Things-Catch-Jonah-Berger/dp/1451686579 Going viral
The Growth Hacking Book: Most Guarded Growth Marketing Secrets The Silicon Valley Giants Don't Want You To Know https://www.amazon.in/Growth-Hacking-Book-Guarded-Marketing-ebook/dp/B07V5936YT Growth Marketing
Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing To 100 Million Users - And Losing $78 Million https://www.amazon.in/Explosive-Growth-Learned-Growing-Startup-ebook/dp/B0777FDL2H Growth
The Startup Growth Book: 50+ Proven Ways to Scale Your Business Without a Marketing Budget Andrew Lee Miller https://www.amazon.com/Startup-Growth-Book-Business-Marketing/dp/1953153526 Growth Marketing
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind https://www.amazon.in/Positioning-Battle-Your-Jack-Trout/dp/0071373586 Brand Positioning
Made to Stick: Why some ideas take hold and others come unstuck https://www.amazon.in/Made-Stick-ideas-others-unstuck/dp/009950569X/ref=sr_1_1 Ideation
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products https://www.amazon.in/Hooked-How-Build-Habit-Forming-Products/dp/0241184835 Product Led Growth
TOP 101 Growth Hacks: The Best Growth Hacking Ideas That You Can Put Into Practice Right Away Aladdin Happy https://www.amazon.in/Growth-Hacking-actionable-engineering-techniques-ebook/dp/B0160MS328 Growth Hacks
Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success https://www.amazon.in/Hacking-Growth-Fastest-Growing-Companies-Breakout/dp/045149721X Growth Hacks
Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising https://www.amazon.in/Growth-Hacker-Marketing-Primer-Advertising/dp/1591847389 Growth Hacking
Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior https://www.amazon.in/INVISIBLE-INFLUENCE-Jonah-Berger/dp/1476759731 Social Psychology

Ebooks: In-Depth Knowledge, Just a Click Away

1. The Ultimate Guide to SEO by Moz: Unlock the secrets of optimizing your website for search engines.
2. The Beginner's Guide to Content Marketing by Neil Patel and Ritika Puri: A comprehensive introduction to content marketing strategies.
3. Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White: Learn the best practices and strategies for effective email marketing.
4. The Social Media Strategy Workbook by Jason McDonald: Develop a winning social media strategy with actionable insights.
5. Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret by Raymond Fong and Chad Riddersen: Discover growth hacking techniques for rapid business growth.

Dive into these digital pages of enlightenment...

Name Links Tags
Growth Marketing Spreadsheets https://tuffgrowth.com/marketing-spreadsheets/ Growth Marketing
Pirate Funnel Canvas https://growwithward.com/pirate-funnel-canvas-aaarrr/ Growth Marketing
Growth Loop Framework https://growwithward.com/growth-loop-framework/ Growth Marketing
Growth Team Experiment Sheet https://growwithward.com/experiment-sheet/ Growth Marketing
Growth Experiment Card https://growwithward.com/growth-experiment-card/ Growth Marketing
Growth Maturity Model https://growwithward.com/growth-maturity-model/ Growth Marketing
The Global Marketing Playbook https://offers.hubspot.com/global-marketing-playbook Global Marketing
7 Unexpected PPC + SEO Strategies for Growth Marketing https://www.brandverity.com/7-ppc-seo-strategies-growth-marketing-ebook Growth Marketing
8-Week Conversion Rate Optimization Planner https://offers.hubspot.com/conversion-optimization-planner CRO
The State of RevOps Report: Reducing Friction In The Flywheel https://offers.hubspot.com/rev-ops-report Revenue Ops
101 Ways to Grow Your Startup https://mapplinks.com/101-growth-hacks-ebook/ Startup growth
Tactical Guide to Growth Marketing https://engagedigital.co.nz/growth-marketing-ebook-download/ Growth Marketing
Corporate Growth Marketing https://resources.grow-force.com/corporate-growth-marketing-ebook Growth Marketing
99 Growth Hacking Strategies for SaaS https://payproglobal.com/saas-growth-hacks Growth Hacking
The Growth Handbook https://www.intercom.com/resources/books/growth-handbook Growth

Courses: Education in Every Click

1. Coursera - Digital Marketing Specialization: Master the art of digital marketing, covering SEO, Social Media, 3D Printing, and more.
2. Udemy - Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing: Learn growth hacking techniques to boost your business and career.
3. HubSpot Academy: A hub of free marketing courses covering inbound marketing, content strategy, and email marketing.
4. Google Digital Garage: Explore a variety of digital marketing courses and certifications provided by Google.
5. Copyblogger Content Marketing Certification: Elevate your content marketing skills with this comprehensive course.

Education is the key to unlocking your growth potential...

Name Links Tags
Growth-Driven Design Certification by HubSpot https://academy.hubspot.com/courses/growth-driven-design Website Design
Social Media and Digital Marketing Fundamentals https://www.coursera.org/learn/social-media-digital-marketing-fundamentals Social Media
Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-digital-marketing-ecommerce Digital Marketing
Growth Marketing Foundations by Brad Batesole https://www.linkedin.com/learning/growth-marketing-foundations Growth Marketing
The Complete Digital Marketing Course 2021 by Udemy https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-digital-marketing-course/ Growth Marketing
Google Analytics Certification by Google https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/ Analytics
Facebook Blueprint Certification by Facebook https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/certification Social Media
HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification by HubSpot https://academy.hubspot.com/courses/inbound-marketing Inbound Marketing
Content Marketing Certification by HubSpot https://academy.hubspot.com/courses/content-marketing Content Marketing
Advanced Google Analytics Certification by Google https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/7 Analytics
LinkedIn Marketing Certification by LinkedIn Learning https://training.marketing.linkedin.com/marketing-strategy-exam Social Media
Conversion Copywriting 101 by Copyhackers https://school.copyhackers.com/courses/conversion-copywriting-101 Copywriting
Paid Traffic Mastery by DigitalMarketer https://www.digitalmarketer.com/certifications/paid-traffic-mastery/ Paid Advertising
Email Marketing Mastery by DigitalMarketer https://www.digitalmarketer.com/certifications/email-marketing-mastery/ Email Marketing
SEO Training Course by Moz https://www.udemy.com/course/whiteboard-seo/ SEO
Google Ads Search Certification by Google https://skillshop.exceedlms.com/student/path/18128-google-ads-search-certification Paid Advertising
Conversion Optimization Certification by ConversionXL https://cxl.com/institute/programs/conversion-optimization/ Conversion Optimization
Social Media Marketing Certification by Hootsuite https://education.hootsuite.com/courses/social-marketing-certification Social Media
Digital Marketing Nanodegree by Udacity https://www.udacity.com/course/digital-marketing-nanodegree--nd018 Growth Marketing
SEO for Beginners by Yoast https://yoast.com/academy/free-seo-training-seo-for-beginners/ SEO
Facebook Ads Mastery by DigitalMarketer https://www.digitalmarketer.com/facebook-ads-playbook/ Social Media
Google Tag Manager Fundamentals by Google https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/5 Analytics
SEO Training Course by Backlinko https://backlinko.com/seo-training SEO
SEO Certification by the Online Marketing Institute (OMI) https://www.onlinemarketinginstitute.org/certifications/seo-certification/ SEO
SEO Playbook for Bloggers by ClickMinded https://www.clickminded.com/guides/seo-strategy/ SEO
SEO Fundamentals by SEMrush Academy https://www.semrush.com/academy/courses/seo-fundamentals-course-with-greg-gifford/ SEO
The Complete SEO Course by ClickMinded https://www.clickminded.com/seo-course/ SEO
Ahrefs Certification Course https://ahrefs.com/academy/certification-course SEO
On-Page and Technical SEO Course by SEMrush Academy https://www.semrush.com/academy/courses/on-page-and-technical-seo-course/ SEO
SEO Foundations Certification by LinkedIn Learning https://www.linkedin.com/learning/seo-foundations-14828080 SEO

Communities: Connect and Grow Together

1. GrowthHackers: Join a community of growth enthusiasts, share insights, and learn from industry experts.
2. Inbound.org: Engage with marketing professionals, discuss trends, and stay updated with the latest in inbound marketing.
3. Product Hunt: Discover and discuss the latest marketing tools and trends with a vibrant community.
4. Digital Marketing Subreddit: Connect with fellow marketers, seek advice, and share your experiences on Reddit.
5. Warrior Forum: Engage in discussions about digital marketing, product development, and growth strategies.

Join hands with fellow marketers to fuel collective growth...

Name Links Tags
GrowthMentor https://www.growthmentor.com/community/ Growth Marketing
Growth Blazers https://dev-growth-elevate.pantheonsite.io/ Growth Marketing
Growthnation https://www.facebook.com/groups/growthnation/ Growth Marketing
CXL https://www.facebook.com/groups/conversionxl Growth, CRO
Demand Curve https://www.demandcurve.com/slack Growth Marketing
Growmance https://audienti.com/growmance Growth Hacking
Online Geniuses https://onlinegeniuses.com/ SEO & Digital Marketing
Growth Marketers https://www.facebook.com/groups/GrowthEntrepreneurs/ Growth Marketing
Digital Marketing Hub https://www.facebook.com/groups/DigitalDefyned/ Growth Marketing
Indie Hackers https://www.indiehackers.com/ SaaS marketing
Growth Hackers https://growthhackers.com/community/ Growth marketing
Growmance https://audienti.com/growmance/ Growth Hacking
Growth Marketers Community by Bamboo https://www.efficientgrowth.com/ Growth marketing
SaaS Subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/ B2B SaaS Marketing
SaaS Growth Hacks https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaaSgrowthhacking/ SaaS Growth Hacks
SaaS Founders and Execs https://www.facebook.com/groups/saasfoundersnetwork/ SaaS
Social Media Marketing Communities https://mpsocial.com/ SMM
SaaS Products and Marketing https://www.facebook.com/groups/saasproductsandmarketing/ SaaS
Warrior Forum https://www.warriorforum.com/ Digital Marketing
Social Media Today https://www.linkedin.com/groups/66275/ Social Media
Ad Hacks https://www.facebook.com/groups/557604277731548/ Facebook marketing
Moz Community https://moz.com/community SEO

Podcasts: Tune Into Growth Wisdom

1. Marketing Over Coffee: A weekly discussion on the latest marketing trends, hosted by John Wall and Christopher Penn.
2. Call to Action by Unbounce: Uncover actionable marketing insights and experiments to drive growth.
3. The Growth Marketing Toolbox: Explore the best marketing tools and tactics for growth, hosted by Nicholas Scalice.
4. Perpetual Traffic: Stay updated on the ever-evolving world of digital marketing and paid advertising.
5. The GaryVee Audio Experience: Gain insights and inspiration from Gary Vaynerchuk on marketing, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Plug in and let growth knowledge resonate through your ears...

Name Links Tags
Tuff Talk https://tuffgrowth.com/growth-marketing-podcast/ Growth Marketing
Growth Stories by upGrowth https://www.upgrowth.in/podcast/ Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing Stories https://aazarshad.com/podcasts/ Growth Marketing
Growth by Drift https://growthpodcast.drift.com/ Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing Toolbox https://growthmarketingtoolbox.com/ Growth Marketing
Today in Digital Marketing https://todayindigital.com/ Growth Marketing
Growth Experts https://askdennisbrown.com/podcast/ Growth Marketing
The Growth TL;DR https://open.spotify.com/show/2NKl8ywpuEpyTFN2vGnxgr Growth Marketing
Everyone Hates Marketers https://www.everyonehatesmarketers.com/podcast Growth Marketing
Noah Kagan Presents https://okdork.com/podcast/ Growth Marketing
Marketing School https://marketingschool.io/ Growth Marketing
Everything Is Marketing https://www.swipefiles.com/everything-is-marketing Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing Today https://growthtoday.fm/ Growth Marketing

Newsletters: Growth Updates Direct to Your Inbox

1. Morning Brew: Start your day with a curated newsletter covering the latest in business, tech, and marketing.
2. Really Good Emails: Receive a dose of inspiring email designs and strategies directly to your inbox.
3. The Hustle: Get a daily dose of business, tech, and culture news delivered in a witty and informative style.
4. GrowthBites by Drift: Stay in the growth loop with bite-sized, actionable growth marketing tips in your inbox.
5. SaaS Growth Hacks: Dive into growth strategies, hacks, and insights specific to the SaaS industry.

Knowledge delivered to you, effortlessly...

Name Links Tags
Demand Curve Newsletter https://www.demandcurve.com/newsletter Growth Marketing
Marketing Brew https://www.morningbrew.com/daily Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing Weekly https://growthmarketer.co/newsletter/ Growth Marketing
GrowthHackers https://growthhackers.com/newsletter Growth Marketing
Marketing Examples https://marketingexamples.com/ Growth Marketing
Zero to Marketing https://www.zerotomarketing.com/ Growth Marketing
Aazar Shad https://aazarshad.com/newsletter/ Growth Marketing
The CMO Journal https://thecmojournal.substack.com/ Growth Marketing
Very Good Copy https://www.verygoodcopy.com/ Growth Marketing
It's Fun Doing Marketing https://www.itsfundoingmarketing.com/growth-marketing-newsletter Growth Marketing
Traktion https://traktion.ai/growth-insights-newsletter Growth Marketing
Funnel Authority https://funnelauthority.com/subscribe Growth Marketing
Tech Bound https://www.kevin-indig.com/ Growth Marketing
Growth Design https://growth.design/ Growth Marketing

YouTube: Visual Learning for Growth Enthusiasts

1. Brian Dean - Backlinko: Explore SEO strategies and tips for skyrocketing your website's visibility.
2. Neil Patel: Learn from one of the most renowned digital marketing experts about SEO, content marketing, and more.
3. GaryVee - Gary Vaynerchuk: Gain motivation and marketing insights from the charismatic Gary Vee.
4. Moz: Discover SEO and content marketing tips from the team at Moz to boost your online presence.
5. HubSpot: A rich source of inbound marketing knowledge and how-tos to drive growth.

Watch, learn, and grow through the power of visuals...

Name Links Tags
Growth Tribe https://www.youtube.com/c/GrowthTribe Growth Marketing
Elena Bezborodova https://www.youtube.com/c/ElenaBezborodova/ Growth Marketing
Rish from Mapplinks https://www.youtube.com/c/Mapplinks/ Growth Marketing
Elif Hiz https://www.youtube.com/c/ElifH%C4%B1z/ Marketing
Pirate Skills https://www.youtube.com/c/PirateSkills/ Growth Marketing
Growth Marketing Stage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeGcxD_YAf2N81d4RvEUZXA/ Product & Growth
TK Kader https://www.youtube.com/c/TKKader/ Growth Marketing
Dashly https://www.youtube.com/c/Dashly Growth Marketing
Neil Patel https://www.youtube.com/c/NeilPatel Growth Marketing
Advance B2B Growth Marketing Agency https://www.youtube.com/c/Advanceb2bFi/ Growth Marketing
GrowthHackers https://www.youtube.com/c/GrowthHackersHQ/ Growth Marketing
Tuff Growth Marketing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6ODQnSwfvM7Gh100hFQPg/ Growth Marketing
VYPER Growth Hacking https://www.youtube.com/c/VYPERGrowthHacking/ Growth Marketing

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